Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Calling all Moonbats. Come in Moonbats.

So, ya ever wondered what a moonbat looks like. Personally, it's not something I've lost a lot of sleep over in recent years but for some reason the expression surfaced in some correspondence the other day. Can't say that I've even given a minute's thought to such crittahs until, amidst some friendly bantur, the 'ol moonbat appeared on the tip of my tongue. Not sure how that will change your daily routine but, by golly, upon having the opportunity to gaze upon one's portrait I thought the least I could do is share it. So here ya go, it's Luna Chiropterans Dhimmicus himself. Live. In the flesh. And a barking one at that. If anyone can locate an audio file of this bark I'll send you a free turkey for Thanksgiving.

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