Saturday, September 23, 2006

Welcome to Nebadon

Date: Circa 2004

Attention to: Michael Lerner, Karol (Pope John Paul II), Binnie (Osama Bin Laden), Mullah Omar, World Leaders

From: Big Possum, Local Universe Creator Son

Bin, Mullah, I thought I would draw you two into this conversation for a couple of reasons. One is that I think the following information is particularly worthy of your consideration. Another is that all of you being addressed here are voracious readers and thus likely to be particularly receptive to and appreciative of my ensuing points. Finally, by addressing a Jewish Rabeye, a Catholic Pope, and Islamic Extremists in the same note I hope to further convey the reality that I view all of you as "actors" sharing equal responsibility for pulling yourselves (if the description applies) and others out of "destructive" roles. Furthermore, though viewing your temporal personages as "actors", whenever I address people the beings I AM truly attempting to "reach" are the aspects of spiritual consciousness behind the masks of temporal identities. On this level you are all of equal value in my eyes and should be in each others' as well.

As voracious readers who seek wisdom in the printed word I would like each of you to imagine something. Imagine arriving on a distant planet that ALWAYS existed in a state of harmony. Sure, beings have their disagreements from time-to-time but there have never been any wars, the word "oppress" is not in their dictionary, and the concept of "terrorism" is beyond the reach of their imagination. Imagine further that they have had no contact with any civilizations outside their own. Now, as voracious readers new to this planet one of the first things each of you might be inclined to do is seek a library. Sounds reasonable enough but here is the question. How big do you think the library is going to be? What kind of books will it contain? Is "literature" in this civilizations dictionary? If so, and you are able to locate examples of this literature, how rich will it be?

Now, let us assume that after finding yourselves rather unfulfilled with your experience of this harmonious planet's library you decide you would like to check out some other aspect of its "culture". Perhaps you would seek out an Art Museum. Sounds reasonable enough. Okay, using your own imagination tell me what kind of art you would expect to find there? Into what depths would you expect paintings to draw you? What emotions would you expect them to reflect? Would any of them be worthy of a group's critique? What would be critiqued? What would different colors and contrasts between shade and light represent? If you were to discover that the museums paintings did not captivate you then perhaps you would wander on to the section with the marble statues? What historical figures would you expect to see captured in stone? What about them would you expect to be of interest? Perhaps the best question would be to ask how big you think this planet's museum would be or even if you think there would be one at all.

Assuming you have been bored by your experiences of both the planet's library and its museum perhaps you go looking for some stimulation at the local movie theatre. What interests you? Are you in the mood for an "action" flick? What circumstances do you imagine exist on such a planet to create the context for such "action"? How about a good comedy? Certainly it should be interesting to discover what these "harmonious" beings define as "humor". What do you think the likelihood is that you will laugh? Perhaps a good "romance" would be more to your liking? What kinds of trials and tribulations would you expect the star couple to experience before the final scene in which they meet breathlessly in a passionate embrace? Perhaps a better question would be to ask whether or not "passion" is even in this planet's dictionary or at least how these beings would define it. Not seeing much of interest in the romance films showing maybe you think about "science fiction". Ahhhh, this, or so you reason, should be a realm of interest as such films are imagination based and thus not hindered by "reality". Is that so? It is my experience that science fiction films on earth are little more than thematic dramas played out in advanced technology settings. On this planet you are visiting, therefore, if the dramatic themes themselves are beyond the imagination of the films' creators then how much interest do YOU imagine their imaginations of future technology will hold?

Okay, maybe the movie theatre was not such a good idea. Where to next? You tell me.

So, what is the point here. Well, to some extent all of you will have to discern the most instructive points for yourselves but here is what I will suggest to you. For simplification purposes let us focus on the example of the library. Assuming you VALUE literature, history, etc. as a source of wisdom and general reading pleasure, assuming by extension that the bigger the library and the greater the breadth and depth of the material in it the better, let us think for a second about how you CREATE it. One option is to enable imaginations that produce this library but without any reference in the history of one's own planet, one's own experiences, or an understanding of the experiences of others, the clarity of such imaginations will be limited. Furthermore, and I will pose this first as a question, what is your first reaction to reading a book or watching a movie that has no basis in any reality you are familiar with? Well, for most of you it is to close the book prematurely or walk out of the theatre shaking your head and complaining, "that was NOT REALISTIC". Such books don't draw many readers and such movies don't sell many tickets. Candidly, however, this is the least of a "Creators" worries. The greater problem is that as you enable imaginations the beings exposed will, over time, evolve to shape their reality in accordance with "images" of greatest interest. So, if you start with a "harmonious" planet but enable "wild imaginations" it will only be a matter of time before the planet "goes wild". Where does this leave us? What does earth have to do with it? Well, I will do my very best to explain.

For any civilization or planet that wishes to have a big library there are only a few ways to get it. One is to enable the requisite imagination. Another is to allow the introduction of another civilization with a richer history and a broader/deeper current reality. Either way you run into the problem of the imagination of the harmonious planet "running wild" and inspiring experiences of the same dramatic circumstances humans say they want to evolve beyond. Creatively speaking it is the ultimate conundrum. Think about it. The very things you value most, wisdom and entertainment, seemingly cannot be produced by the condition that is hardest sought, that of social harmony. Consider this for a moment along with the fact that in addition to the mandate to create wisdom and the need to create entertainment to attract "fragments" to One's Universe the greatest of all responsibilities IS to bring beings home by fostering their EXPERIENTIAL knowledge, appreciation, and LOVE of God.

What I AM attempting to do here is convey some things from my perspective that will help people "see" how it is that they could possibly end up in the "experience" of this planet. The challenge now is for you to UNDERSTAND enough about this "Big Picture" to begin behaving in accordance with a reality by which all beings are treated with respect. Similarly, the more you are able to "see" the greater your ability will be to see your own VALUE as well as the VALUE of others in a constructive context. For further elucidation of this VALUE equation let us return to considerations relative to the focal challenge of building a big library.

The goal here is to build as big a library as is achievable, one with as much depth and breadth as possible, for as little suffering as possible. Pursuant to the goal of minimizing suffering the goal is to maximize harmony. Revisiting the dangers to harmony posed by "wild imaginations", the question then, the great challenge, is how to make such a vast library available to all without jeopardizing existing harmonies or reversing the evolution of civilizations moving in harmony's direction. How do you spread the rich cultural resources and benefits from the experiences of one planet (civilization) without corrupting others? How do you preclude the other civilizations from yearning for and pursuing the same experiences?

In the Universe's game there is only ONE way to do that. That "way" is to gain sufficient empirical evidence of the consequences of all related ERROR to demonstrate that such pursuits are a "dead end" and to develop TEACHERS capable of conveying this reality effectively through expressions of wisdom gained by their experience of the same pursuits. These teachers may then be spread throughout the Universe at the same time that the library is being shared, thereby enabling circumstances in which rewards of rich cultures can be shared in a manner that does not require the introduction of commensurate risks. Because of the effectiveness of these teachers, WISDOM is made available to civilizations (planets) that transcends the civilizations' experience while at the same precluding attraction to the experiences that produce suffering. This IS the only way to create civilizations with libraries grander than their own experience without jeopardizing their existing harmonies and/or evolution toward greater measures of the same.

Perhaps now some of you are staring to "see" the "Big Picture" relative to the Universe value of human beings and the value of earth as a planet. Upon traveling throughout the galaxy what do you think would be your reaction to come across a planet on which over 100 languages are spoken and the beings come in so many different sizes, shapes, and colors? You would likely think it outlandish and yet that is what you have here. But don't worry about it because there is no other planet with such diversity and certainly no other with such drama. Now, what does this have to do with how God feels about you. Well, God sees your value as represented by your POTENTIAL to the Universe and understands that the majority of you, as spiritual beings, are but several critical choices away from realizing that value and "ascending" accordingly to positions of great honor and respect. God also knows that while there is nothing "excusable" in temporal terms about the lives of the many villains and tyrants in your history, their lives have been necessary enablers of the life circumstances behind the size of your library and the breadth and depth of the books in it. Furthermore, whether you find more fault with the "oppressor" or the "terrorist", their appetites, religious beliefs, etc. are similar enablers and only their choice for an intimate relationship with God in these days stands between them and their opportunity to be among the Universe's great teachers and/or to be free to choose from other of the Universe's most rewarding, joyous experiences.

The critical thing for all such "characters" to understand now, however, gets back to my point about the Universe's response to their choices as a function of the information at their disposal. Whether we are talking about a "terrorist" or a crooked banker, people are afforded only so much time to cease practices that create suffering for others and to embrace the opportunity to choose God and thus the transformation of their being that is necessary to unlock their Universe value. The Universe knows exactly how much information people have, the logic for it being accepted or rejected, and the intellectual ability of people to make sensible choices. Though specific lines for specific people will not be revealed people will sense when their opportunities are on the verge of expiring and when they do expire "rules" (algorithms) will be triggered that begin escorting their "fragments" from this Universe. Various destructive choices will trigger the same walk.

Relative to the planet itself one of the greatest reasons why it would behoove people to choose God in these days is to preserve the opportunity/right to return here upon the planet being settled in "Light and Life". All experiences of harmonious planets with "imported" libraries are nice but there is no experience greater than that of harmony on a planet whose own history is the experiential source of its wisdom. Such a civilization is the "inheritance" of humanity, a reward for all that humans have endured and that your experiences have contributed to the wisdom of the Universe and all that you WILL, if you WILL it, contribute to the wisdom of God. For that contribution you have earned the opportunity to return here at your leisure at such time that the planet is home to the most sought after experience in all the Universe. To take advantage of this opportunity and to safeguard this extraordinary privilege you need only to make additional contributions to the building of "God's Kingdom" here as can only be made by CHOOSING God. The potential VALUE of the majority of human beings, the experiences that are available to you in the future, are as extraordinary as any that have ever been created in this Universe. This is as true of doctors, lawyers and bankers as it is of drug pushers and prostitutes. The ticket to the ride is yours.

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